Work flying in for July and August almost booked up !

Just got back from holiday to 174 emails and phone answer service full of messages on both land line and mobile .
it has taken me three days to sort it all out .
I was supposed to be working on my house this week but I have sat in the office for 3 days sorting this back log of inquiries that have come in while on holiday out .
Sorry if I have missed anyone out , if you feel that you have not been contacted due to phone answering service full ,  then please get back in touch via email system rather than the phone .
But the good news for us is we are getting very busy again , not that we have ever been slack for the last 6 years .
In fact business is booming .

but just to keep people in the loop requiring work , please try and book me 6 to 8 weeks in advance

I am busy for a reason with 42 years personal experience as a time served billiards fitter , and my ethics of quality work ,
this seems to be what people require when they are looking for a Billiards fitter to carry out work on their tables .
and word of mouth is a powerful tool too , many of my new clients have been referred by previous work that I have carried out .
at the rate work is coming in I will be ready for a another break around September for a week .

do not forget we also move the odd table for people , it is not all about working on site only .
here are just a few of the quality and type of  work that we have carried out

so please book early for work , I do work the odd Saturday if it helps , but tend to keep these week end days for local work rather than traveling .