Re-stretch of full size snooker bed cloth after 12 months use.

Not many people know this , but it is recommended that you have the bed cloth re-stretched tight after 12 months of having a new cloth fitted.
the reason is to speed the table up as a tight cloth has extra speed over one that has slackened off a bit
the other reason is cue stabs can cause a L shape rip in slack cloth , the cue tip can dig in and ruck up loose cloth , tight cloth tends to glance a cue tip off with the only damage being done is some nap removal but no rips.
here is a table we have just re-tightened the cloth on after 12 months.
padmore end cush newton soney 8 bolts
Can you spot the unusual design on the end cushions of this table ?
The answer is 8 bolts instead of 6 , not many of these tables around
the manufacturer Padmore’s of Birmingham used to state you get a better bounce from 8 bolted end cushion rather than the normal 6 bolted type.
Padmore badge newton solney
Padmore’s are now incorporated into Thurston after Clare’s of Liverpool , Padmore’s of Birmingham and Thurston of London algimated ,
today they have used the oldest name within that group to trade under which is Thurston’s
padmore table full newton solney
This Full size snooker table is located in a village hall near Burton on Trent Staffordshire
by having the cloth re-tightened the table is now playing faster and the level was also checked and adjusted.