Re-rubber Pool table with Full size Northern Rubber in Luton

I have been asked to improve the bounce on a 6ft Pool dining table.
Luton 6ft pool re-rubber
The owner was very specific that i used top quality Full size profile Northern rubber as used on TV tournament steel block Snooker tables.
I asked if the old rubber was the full size profile of approx 7/8th L shape , and this was confirmed , but when I got there the cushions had 5/8th L shape rubber on.
Luton pool 6ft re-rubber size comp

So I informed my client I would take the blocks back to the workshop and rebate the cushion block wood to take the full size rubber on my table saw or moulding machine  , as luck would have it my Client lives just off the Luton south junction of the M1 and I would be passing again later in the week to refit his cushions .
So I re-covered the bed in 6811 Strachan cloth and stripped all staples out of the cushions ready to take the old rubber off and alter the woodwork.
Luton re-rubber 6811 green cloth
Luton re-rubber cloth on slate ready

I was going to rebate the block in two directions , downwards and backwards for the depth of the rubber , but I found that the cushions where the slotted sliding fixing type , and any backward rebate would take  all the strength out of the cushions rigidity
So the only solution was to have the cushion overhang an extra 1/8th of an inch , this would make a ball down the cushion a little harder to pot , but it was one or the other , bad rubber or good rubber with the extra 1/8th.
Luton re-rubber block end showing slot

When I measured standard Supreme Winner cushions they where 1/16th more on the over hang so in reality they are only 1/16th more than A winners overhang of cushion so nothing to worry about really , Accuracy into the pockets  will improve my clients game , and he can now benefit from more lively cushions . I did slightly open the pockets up to make up for the overhang .
I am not sure what make of table this is , it has cushions that look like Super league slotted type with 5/8th rubber rather than the fixed bolt Supreme type which has no slot in the back and has the full size rebate on .
luton re-rubber showing NR on block fitted

the cushions with Northern rubber attached ready to be cut and shaped before re-covering , I am returning these cushions on Saturday when I will be passing Luton on my way to pick up a full size snooker table to be relocated at a later date .
We are pretty busy having snooker table work coming in , and a good percentage of pool tables fitted in between to fill the gaps in .