2020 the year we where restricted in what we could do work wise .
some work was not possible to do because of the covid restrictions , and other work was OK to do , but we where never near our normal quota of work that we turn over this year .
the Government Grants helped us self employed small firms survive , and we are extremely grateful for that help .
work picked up a bit towards the end of the year , but we are left with a lot of unused cloth stock , regarding cloth ordered in for jobs that where cancelled , plus the replacement of our sold pool tables that came in off site .
We lost a lot of our Pool Table Rental site income due to Covid , in fact you could say down to Zero takings with many pubs asking for the tables to be taken out .
So we look forward to 2021 the year we hope that covid gets kicked into touch , and in the hope that we can improve and our lost rental business , and is allowed to restart also .
Because we had to sell off a lot of our ex rental pool tables off site , we have replaced some stock ready to go once the restrictions allow licensed premises to operate fully again .
Brand New rental pool tables coming into stock ready for 2021 replacements .
we have had some expense this year and I am using my own cash reserves to buy in the new tables and make up the deficit of the S/H to new replacements .
this will unfortunately mean we are going to increase our Licensed site rentals by a £10 increase of the last 5 years rate , but we are upgrading the two re-cloths per year to match cloth to offset this
they would have normally be re-clothed in strachan 6811 .
we still think we are the best value Pool table rental firm operating in our area for Brand new tables .
the replacement tables are costing us more and so is the cloth .
My van is now three years old and I would normally be looking to PX for a newer model , and with the No deal scenario .
I have bit the bullet to avoid price increases on a new van , and also any import duty raise in the chance of a No deal scenario , which could have put a few thousand pounds on the cost of a replacement if i did not go for a VAN CHANGE NOW .
All though I could have done without the expense of a new van in these Covid times it had to be done now .
And have put an order in for a new van to be delivered 2nd week of January 2021 , I have always stated that reliability is must for any firm to operate , by changing our van every three to four years it will give us some reliability in making and keeping those appointments of work and commitments we make .
Having spent Seven years working for a firm that ran vans into the ground with many lost days due to breakdown or leaking oil over clients drives , I made my mind up when I started GCL Billiards not to go down the same route , and refresh the image and reputation of the firm by changing vans every 3 to 4 years .
Fresh new vans are the face of a company , clients see a nice modern newish van arrive with their prized possessions or for maintenance work , and they feel more at ease knowing they have a company that cares about their image and reputation .
This does cost a bit to afford which is why we charge a mileage fee to not so local destinations for a round trip .
And last but not least , we wish all our clients past present and of the future , a very merry Christmas and prosperous and happy new Year .
Lets hope that 2021 is the year we sorted not only Covid out but also the uncertainty of Brexit , which in my opinion was dragged out far too long .
Lets hope that the EU do not hold anything against the British People or it’s Government who wish to start off on a venture of regaining a variety of world wide trade deals that will make us all busy , with plenty of work and be prosperous .