NOW SOLD 8ft snooker table for sale offers around £250 to £450 NOW SOLD

SOLD through EBAY .

TABLE has now had a first bid on Ebay so the seller is going to let it run it’s course on there please feel free to bid on the table at this link

selling number if you wish to search that way on Ebay UK  is …………..   224179038130

just copy and paste this number into top search bar on Ebay .

I have a client who wishes to sell their 8ft snooker table .
located near Nuneaton /Coventry .

the table is in all round good condition .
cloth is faded but playable .
and is priced to sell at around £350

it is on Ebay at £250 start price or buy me now at £450 .

legs look very nice . polish too in good condition and a very  nice piece of furniture .
it is a genuine old table close onto Antique age , but has the modern pocket plates and not the old fashioned top finger plate .

all inquiries to Geoff  or Carol at GCL billiards