Snooker and pool table work used to be a seasonal thing a few years ago
we used to experience a lull or a slack period mid summer and just after Christmas and New year
but if recent years are anything to go by and the fact that Pool is now our number one sport over Snooker in cue sports pastimes .
Then it is no surprise work coming in has no high or low spots , we are not experiencing any lull or slack period in work .
and I give full warning that we cannot take anymore work on until September and that month is starting to fill in as we speak
On the snooker side we have our regular clients and on average visit clubs every year for either a re-stretch of bed cloths or re-covers .
our private home clients we average a visit every 5 years , for service re-level , re-stretch work or major work like re-rubber and re-cover or house move and the table goes too .
We get some tough job’s too like fitting abnormal rubber size due to clients requirements to unconventional block work
We are often re-rubbering and opening or closing up pocket openings in the process of a re-rubber
but a lot of our work is now taken up with the popular sport of Pool
many club’s have extended their pool lounges , and installed more pool tables than snooker tables these days .
some have a few American 9ft 9 ball tables too
We do a high volume of pool table maintenance these days .
and when it comes to pool tables , the lower cost in cloth and labour per full size mean they have work done in large quantities , and more regular .
sometimes all the tables in the room are re-covered in one go .
some club’s have a more balanced view and ratio of pool to snooker is pretty even
This club used to have all snooker now they just have three , and 7 uk pool , and one Chinese 9 ball table .
their is always the exception when it is FREE to play in with your Holiday fee at Butlins .
But since this photo 2 have gone and two more are in the pipe line to go , as improvements to form a sports lounge is implimented
we may see some American pool tables in the future as they look to improve the different venues in Butlins .
I am informed they may have plans to turn this American 9 ball hall into a 9 table UK pool hall .
and move some of these tables over to the Sports bar / Snooker room part .
they say this at Butlins every year for the last 10 years , but the time will come that it will happen .
now and again we get one of these to renovate , not so easy to work on as it is all in miniature
some cushions come like this
we refurb to this , using larger rubber .
and the end result after a re-rubber , see we really know our stuff !
after 42 years personal experience Geoff Large of GCL billiards is one of the best fitters in the country , not that there are a lot of experienced fitters about these days .
due to none training up and retirement , the specialist fitters are more hard to find .
and it is going to get worse as in 6 years time I may even retire .
Below is a few photos of the type of work that we come across .
just some of the bad workmanship I come across in the next few photo’s
these are typical bad workmanship that I come across .
as I have said I am now taking bookings for September , I am worth waiting for , all I can say is the above bad workmanship is still being done out there ,
it is pot luck if you get a fitter with high standards and the ethics that have been passed down from fitter to fitter in my history .
so please wait for us to become available and book early for work .