We have a Scottish client just over the border who requires a nice 10 foot by 5 foot snooker table in light wood .
the table must be of good quality and not of Chinese manufactured .
light oak Riley or orme or even a light mahogany Karnehm and Hillman if priced reasonable .
Please take into account the dismantle and collection plus delivery of any table that is available.
Our client wants value for money as well as quality of manufacture.
He does not want to be paying dealer prices from a private sale.
Below are examples of what type of table would interest our client but in 10ft size.
Price will depend on condition and make of table . and what comes with it .
this is an enbild but only an 8ft , but they also made them in 10ft and where a good quality .
A Riley Viceroy this one is a 9ft but again also available in 10ft form . medium oak finish.
a riley imperial 10fts are available in 8leg or 6 leg format. this one is a 12ft and in light to honey oak finish.
a riley Aristocrat again in light oak , turned fluted legs , this is a 12ft version . our client is after a 10ft table.