Three full sized snooker tables installed at Nottingham University’s new £40m sports centre .

We have been over to Nottingham University this week to re-install their old snooker tables that where located in the old Sports Centre
all three tables where stored at the University’s own storage depot , the old Central TV studios on Lenton lane .
I had arranged for the slates to be fork lifted upstairs during the build of the new sports Centre .
the slates where already in the room waiting for us , although they had been put where we where setting the tables up , a quick shift around with a pallet truck and we where ready to start building the frame’s .
and so we start to assemble the frame’s , the centre table was put exactly in the centre of the room  , then we divided the rest of the space for equal cue room between the other two frames the wall and the centre table
with all three sets of slates placed on the rough leveled framework .
as you can see perfect alignment looking down the edge of the slate
a photo from the other side , showing all three sets of slates have been aligned bang on .
after we had fine leveled the tables and surface filled the slate joints and sanded smooth
we fitted the bed cloths to all three tables and marked then out with Baulk line and D and spotted them .
Dust covers on to protect the new bed cloths
and we start to strip and re-cover the cushions with new Strachan 6811 tournament 30 oz cloth
The first table completed , all new nets and leathers also fitted , and refit cushion and frame hooks .
all three tables are now completed sporting new nets and leathers , the Electricians are now in,  to start the connection and fitting of modern lighting above the table , I have warned them about standing on the tables , this can put the level out on the tables and also upset the slate joints .
when I left they where 100% level and the joints had blended in perfect . so any disturbance from now on and I will blame the electricians .
at the bottom of the room you can just make out the 8ft by 4ft by 2 inch insulation packing leaning against the left hand wall they are going to put over the table to protect the cloth while, they fit the lighting .
I fitted all new nets and leathers , there is nothing better to see when a table has been recovered in new cloth to see new nets and leathers fitted .
the old nets and leathers was beginning to show their age .
the main sports hall with partition down , two rows of seating will be available along the top concourse viewing area .
the main hall and the snooker room are double glazed sound proofed glass
as you can see around 3 inch thickness of double glazing soundproofs the room
here is a link to how it will all look
 a video is available on this link also .
an artists impression of how the finished building will look and it opens in October 2016
a computer programmed image of how the main hall will look
computer image of main foyer , note climber on climbing wall to right
a very futuristic building of which I am sure will give Nottingham University even more credibility for Student choice .
GCL billiards are proud to be associated with this project and thanks Russ for making sure that GCL billiards continue the upkeep of the three snooker tables going forward .