Outside pool table to recover and fit new cushions at bottom of Garden in Derby .

Not for the first time have I been asked to re-cover a pool table that is sited outside , but under a fixed roof gazebo. in Derby.
The pool table being a 7×4 Hazel Grove super league , the client required new cushions and new allen key fixings for the cushions , and he also requested best 6811 Strachan pool cloth here  are a few photo’s of that work

.outside tbale superleague strip down
The table stripped down , I removed the top surround and converted the old fixing slot to accept the new allen key bolt fittings , the old fixers went into my tool box for spares on these tables as I often find some missing or broken . which was the case on the very next table I did at Newark a few days later.
outside table superleague new cushions
The new cushions bought direct from Eric at Superleague
outside table superleague 7x4 finsihed
The finished table , new cushions , new cloth , all my client needs to do now if finish the paving and make sure the frost and damp is kept away from the cushions and cloth