Not available for telephone calls or emails this next 4 days . Back on line Friday 10th December .

Due to work commitments and a small break .

I will not be contactable until Friday afternoon 10th December  to read any emails or answer telephone calls
please ring me or email me on Friday the 10th . if you have any work enquiries .
as you can see and expect Christmas is a very busy time in all trades but especially the Home leisure and pub trade .


simply not enough hours in a day to fit anymore work in .
it has been a difficult year what with coming in and out of Covid restrictions and now more restrictions and protocol are probably on their way .

After Christmas break and new year .

I am taking booking for the new year , and already January is filling up with work I have on my notice board
to fit in ., these people have been very understanding to wait until a slot in the new year and some made inquiries in early November to try and get work done for Christmas .
it was just not possible to take it on .
So these people are priority for January and beginning of March , there may be the odd day slotted here and there between these bookings so it is possible to fit you in January
we are returning to work on January the 10th .
I am also having some Building work done which hopefully will be done and dusted and completed in the next few weeks .
a few snagging problems to sort out , but hopefully we can start the decorating first week of January when the plaster has fully dried out
hence why I say January the 10th when I will return to work .

Have a nice Christmas break to all our clients and future clients