New Pool table Rental Hire Pub site in Chilwell Nottinghamshire

Today we have been installing a Winner supreme pool table into a local pub .
This pub is very particular on the type of table they required .
Not satisfied with low quality of the last pool table mainly on condition of the new rubber cushions they had fitted .
They decided that GCL Billiards was the best choice to rent their pool table from .
This particular table is 6 months old having been in another local pub which is now being knocked down to make way for a new Ice Land store .
the team had played on this table when playing away games in the league , they where very impressed with the bounce in the cushions and the speed of the table due to the best Strachan 6811 cloth used ,  and when they found out I still had it in stock they requested this one for their Pool Team .
The photo below is of the old pub pool area that is being knocked down to make way for Ice Land even though the pub is only 20 years old ?
brand new winner supremes
In fact the old pub used to have two tables rented from GCL Billiards but this one was their main match table .
We decided as it is so close to Christmas to delay re clothing the table with 6811 Strachan tournament cloth until after New year , just in case someone was to spill a drink over it , over the Festive and new year celebrations when these things seem to always occur.
So we have booked a recover on the table for mid January .
Double  top Winner
Above the photo of the table in it’s new location .
DOUBLE 88 logo
Double 8 badge

Double eight Pool tables is GCL Billiards Pool table Rental Division , our tables carry the Double Eight logo as well as the Supreme logo .
Double eight Pool and GCL Billiards are now known to offer unrivalled quality and maintenance of Pool table Hire.
If you are local to us then please get in touch if you require a decent Supreme Pool table for your premises. our weekly rental contracts start at just £15 per week , that works out at £65 per calender month which is our preferred method of payment on the 28th of each month , or £60 per every 4 weeks.
Phone Geoff on 07753466064 or email