We will be closing for business on Friday the 28th August for 4 Days while we are out of the country.
For any Emails or telephones calls please wait until Tuesday the 2nd of September for a reply .
We are off to Amiens in France to watch Ice Hockey , our local Nottingham Panthers ice Hockey team are playing in a pre season Tournament there.
I have been watching the Nottingham Panthers since 1980 with my wife and 4 years later when we had our first Daughter we also took her just 4 months old and the second Daughter too they are now aged 29 and 23.
The last time we where over there I did not have time to look around Amiens as I divided my long weekend , with a work trip setting a table up in a farm house for two days and Ice Hockey for two days
This time around I will have more time to see the sites of Amiens , and I am hoping to see a few World War one memorial sites and battle fields if possible , take a look below at the river side Cafe’s and the Grand Notre Dam of Amiens
it is amazing that this monument of a Cathedral is still standing , look at the end of war photo taken in 1919 of what Amiens looked like after world war one , and then take into account another war to contend with as well .