Hi we are back from our holidays and all ready work is coming in for Snooker and Pool table recovers

Having recharged our batteries in Tenerife , we are rearing to go again .
mick rubber date stamp july 2013

I have some cushions at home in the Workshop I have to get new rubber on and recovered ready to go back to Cambridge and another set to London .
We then start work in Northampton at a large snooker club , around 5 tables to re-cover plus an American pool for re-rubber and re-cover .
Hidden spot 1
We are then in Coventry hanging new lighting for two tables, and also re-stretching of two bed cloths .
over to Lincoln on the Friday to do another two re-stretch bed cloths in two private residences .
COV finished tables

at the start of the next month we have work in North wales .but we are then open to work coming in after this , which I am sure will start to come in very soon .
We have our own pool tables which we have out on Rental also to maintain . with recovering work for them about due .
Winner strip down for recover blue 6811

August is not looking busy at the moment so if you have a table that requires work then please get in touch with Geoff at c.large@btinternet.com or phone him direct on his mobile 07753466064