For the past two weeks I have had a chest pain that came on and it was not going away .
the pain was upper chest and into left arm and today it got so bad I had to do something about it , after the Client who I was working for today commented I looked in a bad way .
He even offered to take me to the Hospital in Newark , but I declined .
So it was no surprise that when I finally got home the pain got worse , and advice was sought by my wife , and after contacting 111 and consulted an on line Doctor who just sent the ambulance once he had heard the symptoms .
Lucky for me it turned out to be a torn muscle or trapped nerve around my chest or neck region which the nerve endings also travels into the arm , hence the arm pain as well as chest pain .
so got the all clear that it is not a big problem and I can go about my work as normal , but to take it more easy .
I do have a high blood pressure reading and few other problems , but all in all not bad for 63 year old .