Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire assemble a full size antique Thurston snooker table.

On the way back from Butlins in Skegness we were asked to call in at Doddington Hall
The Owners wished to have a snooker table reinstated back into the main hall  .
this table was donated for use by the owners Grandmother  to the workman’s club which was located on  the Estate.
the club wanted to use the snooker room for other purpose so the table had been in store for around 2 to 3 years
Doddington Hall Thurston frame up
A very early thurston slate bed table circa 1870
Doddington hall may 2014 two slates on frame
Frame roughly leveled and first three slates on
Doddoddington  hall 2014 slates on ready for bed
All slates on and wood tack linings fitted , table is fully level and ready to have bed cloth re-fitted , Note how thin the slates are this dated the table to 1870
1 inch slate on these threepenny bit style legs , i have worked on two or three of these type of tables , you may note from first photo of frame that it has nine slate supports ( inner muntins) , modern tables have 3 or 6 . and the latest have just 3 adjustable muntins supports.
Doddington hall fitting cushion on
Bed cloth re-fitted and marked out and ironed, and now refitting the cushions
Doddington hall numbers on cushions skittles
on this table there are number discs on all of the upper polished parts of the cushions , these are for a skittle game , where you place skittles around the edge of the table one ball width plus clearance from the nose of the cushion at these disc locations , i have not played the game ,but can recall on my apprentice days nearly 40 years ago some people playing this at a club and the fitter I was working with looking at some instructions on marking the spots on the cloth for the skittles.
Doddington hall finished table from window
On this photo you can clearly see all the number discs on the cushion cappings.
Doddington hall finished table
the finished table , if you are visiting any where near Lincoln then Doddington hall is worth a visit , they have a farm shop and I think an hotel too .
Doddinton Hall