Air Craft display and working for RAF Cranwell sgts mess

I was treated to a viewing of the pre fly over practice run of the 100 year celebration at RAf Cranwell last week
and today watched it on TV flying over the Mall LIVE !
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all the aircraft had took off from RAF Conningsby and where to fly over the Dome tower at RAF Cranwell .
I took a few photo’s on my phone of a few planes as they flew over , the first to arrive where the Chinook’s Helicopters .

the Helicopter formation arriving from the East over RAF  Cranwell Airfield approaching from the East .

and as they passed overhead , they made a right racket those twin rotor Chinook’s .

a few more Fighter planes going over in formation .

and as they approached

Awacs early warning radar .detection plane

another wave of fighter jets .

formation approaching

another formation going overhead

and a few more

the reason I was at RAF Cranwell was to Re-rubber and re-cover two full size snooker tables and a pool table in the Sgts and Warrent officers mess .

one of the finished tables

one had new nets and leathers fitted .
It is not every day that you get to see a 100 plane fly past of aircraft practicing for the fly past down the mall which took place today to celebrate 100 years of the RAF .
One for the Billiard fitters travel stories memoirs  .
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