6 people to carry slate upstairs in straps ……. an install for our Yorkshire ,Barnsley client

We have just completed the install of the Stevens  Billiard table with Burroughs and watts steel block cushions fitted to it , into an attic in a new build house near Barnsley .
Our client supplied the labour of 5 people to reduce cost’s plus myself to lift the slates up two flights of stairs to the top attic room .
As you can see this was not an easy job , but with the 6 of us we made light work of it and all 5 slates where up onto the table within 40 minutes , one of the 6 was a female who I was informed could out lift most men , of which she proved most capable of doing.
the following photo’s give you some idea what is involved when putting a table in an attic or upstairs room . the Welsh slates weigh in the region of 4 cwt each . nearly a  fifth of a ton ! plus the weight of 6 of us , the stairs have to be very well made to carry that much .

Stairs no 1
Barnsley slate in attic on stairs 1

Stairs 2
Barnsley slate in attic stairs 2

The room with the Stevens billiard table in position with the slates now placed on.
Barnsley table in attic stevens and sons plus B&Watts cushions

The cloth now on and this table had an upgrade we think around 1910 and Burroughs and watts steel cushions where then fitted in place of the original Stevens cushions .
The Stevens table is circa 188o/ 1890. and would have had top plate billiard cushions fitted , the Burroughs and watts steel cushions where first invented around 1895 , and they offered the steels for upgrade to any table , this is why the cushion bolt holes are slotted to fit most manufacturers slate bolt holes.
barnsley cloth on and cushions being fitted stevens and sons